Women's Economic Empowerment To Ending SGBV and Violence Against Children
It is evident that economic empowerment of women indirectly reduces cases of sexual and gender based violence worldwide. Economic vulnerability is one of the key causes of SGBV, sex trafficking, and commercial sexual exploitation. Poverty increases the pressure on girls and women to engage in survival sex. Women and girls may be compelled to exchange sex for material goods, protection or sell sex in order to survive. In Kilifi county 87% of sexual assault related cases are centered on economic gain. Children perpetrators will lure their victim with a promise to provide them with basic needs such as sanitary towels, food for their families and sometimes-just candy.

In most parts of the world, women are a powerful force in their communities. Studies show that women’s
economic empowerment results in greater investments
in children’s schooling and
health, and reduced poverty for
all. Economic empowerment of women is a powerful strategy to address SGBV and violence against children. It plays an integral role in alleviating survival sex by unlocking women’s full potential making them economically independent and self-reliant. Empowered women have better access to employment, financial resources, and other market opportunities providing them with tools necessary to enable them to extricate themselves and their children from violent households and relationships. They become solutions to poverty, poor health and vulnerability for their children and families accelerating peace and prosperity in their communities. When a woman’s economic status improves, so does that of her household, her community and, potentially, her country.

The Economic Empowerment Program is primarily designed to promote the economic and social empowerment of women and ultimately their communities as a means to end SGBV and Violence Against Children. The program aims to develop comprehensive livelihood support strategies based on assessments that identify different socio-economic capacities of women.


The program is centered on three pillars: